Co-created by me, @adorable-abomination & my friend, @uber-gender.
Have any questions, comments, concerns, or issues? Want your coined wiretype to be added? Contact me at @adorable-abomination! Any questions regarding Neurowiry itself can be directed towards @uber-gender as I have difficulty wording things.
Last updated 5:35 PM PT at Nov 26.
Neurowiry describes "non-official" neurotypes*. (Non-official meaning it is not in the DSM & it hasn’t been studied.)
Individual terms within neurowiry are called wiretypes and have the suffix “-typen”.
A person with a wiretype may be called “neurowired”.
*“Neurotype” is a contested term in psychology, but a general definition is “a type of brain that is different from the neurotypical norm, which is not necessarily unhealthy but defines every aspect of the person’s cognition, behavior, personality, etc.” Autism is a neurotype. ADHD and schizo-spectrum disorders may also be considered neurotypes.
What Neurowiry IS
Wiretypes are broad categories that explain and inform a person’s psyche and development. They are expressed metaphorically through dynamics (predator/prey/lover/rebel/etc), things in nature (leaves/fog/beasts/planets/etc), forces (gravity/heat/etc) and so on. They encourage recognition and labeling of patterns within oneself. They are self-identities and not recommended for people under 16.
What Neurowiry is NOT
While this concept was born from MOGAI tumblr, these are NOT genders/orientations (though those components can be contained within the wiretype). Wiretypes are NOT kintypes, and a neurowired person might not be otherkin/fictionkin at all; a person with a fog-based wiretype, for instance, does not necessarily identify as/with fog but uses it as a metaphor for their neurotype. Wiretypes CANNOT be transient/culture-specific things like fictional characters, websites, memes, etc.
Terminology & Usage
A person that has a wiretype.
You would use this term in the same way you use "Neurodivergent".
I'm Neurodivergent.
I'm Neurowired.
Non-Official Neurotypes.
You would use this term in the same way you would use "Neurodivergence".
They're Autistic, which is a type of Neurodivergence.
They're Predatypen, which is a type of Neurowiry.
/ˈwī(ə)r tīp/
This is ones type within Neurowiry.
You would use this term in the same way you use "Neurotype".
My Neurotype is ASD.
My Wiretype is Predatypen.
The suffix of someone's type.
You would use this term in the same way you use "Autistic".
I'm Autistic.
I'm Predatypen.
Is Neurowiry a diagnosable condition?:
No. It's a self-identity and not a disorder or medical condition/diagnosis of any kind. It is not diagnosable. Neurowiry seeks to describe your brain via metaphors or other abstract concepts.
Do already established conditions or neurotypes, such as Neurodevelopmental Conditions, Mental Illnesses, or Synesthesia fall under Neurowiry?:
No. Piggybacking off of pre-existing conditions and using it as a base does not provide insight to how someones brain works or feels. This also:
1. Implies that all people of the pre-established type define their brain the same way, when defining your brain like this is an incredibly personal, subjective & esoteric experience.
2. Assumes that the theories surrounding the pre-established neurotype is correct and static/permanent.
3. Assumes Diagnosis — An Autistic person, a person with ADHD, and a person without a known neurotype may all have the same wiretype.
Are there set rules to having a wiretype?:
The terminology for neurowiry is flexible and depends on the user and how they interpret their psyche. In general, someone coining a wiretype should refrain from making the definition too specific or referential (e.g. defining birdtypen as being related to flight, when in reality many birds cannot fly, or defining redtypen as being related to anger when the color red is not associated with anger in other countries). Wiretypes are limited only by the concept they are named for; the only prerequisite for being [x]typen is that you use [x] as a metaphor for your psyche.
Is there anything that can’t be a wiretype?
Transient ideas/objects such as fictional characters, websites, memes, etc. cannot be wiretypes because neurowiry is meant to create or label a solid foundation and those things will disappear or lose relevance in a relatively short time. However, the definition of “transient” can be debated, as the concept of neurowiry is brand new. Some linguistic negotiation will be necessary, especially in the context of tropes and recent technology.
Isn’t neurowiry just otherkin with a different hat?
Wiretype is independent from kintype (as well as neurotype, gender, and orientation). Someone can have a wiretype that’s entirely different from their kintype(s), and a neurowired person might not be otherkin/fictionkin at all. A person with a fog-based wiretype, for instance, does not necessarily identify as/with fog but uses it as a metaphor for their psyche.
Click any of the flags for higher quality.
Neurowired Flag:
Neurowired Flag Templates:
Predatypen, the predator wiretype.
This is a self-imposed identity where you define your brain as being “like a predator’s brain” or “predatory”.
This term does NOT include “sexual predators”, but rather refers to predatory animals and the act of predation. It can refer to predators who enjoy the thrill of the hunt or predators who hunt only for survival, and any combination.

Preyotypen, the prey wiretype.
This is a self-imposed identity where you define your brain as being “like a prey's brain” or “like a prey animal”.

This is a self-imposed identity where you define your brain as being “like an angel’s brain” or “angelic”. This term specifically refers to Christian angels; we know nothing about Jewish angelology and thus wanted to make a distinction. The “C” in the term stands for both “Christian origin” and “Choir”.
This is a self-identifier for when the way your brain works can best be compared to an old radio (or just older technology) or an algorithm.

This is a self-imposed identity in which one defines their brain as being like fog, fog-like, etc.

This is a self-imposed identity in which one defines their brain as being like sunshine through fog.